raising a newly deaf and blind 8 m/o kitten

Blind and deaf pets can live happy, healthy, quality lives. In fact, sometimes it's hard to tell them from sighted pets. They do, though, have their own special needs.
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raising a newly deaf and blind 8 m/o kitten

Post by Mommy2Thor »

Hello all, I'm new on here and am in desperate need of advice.
One week ago today, I took my sisters 8 m/o, perfectly healthy kitten, Thor, to get neutered. But there were unforeseen complications He had "died" under anesthesia due to an unknown underlying heart condition...he went into cardiac arrest and had to be brought back with epi and was put on a ventilator. He was out cold for 2-3 days and stayed hospitalized for 5. He is now feisty, awake and alert but is completely blind and deaf as well as quite weak (getting stronger every day) the dr says it may be temporary and has high hopes for one or both to return seeing as he is young and basically healthy. Dr says if anything happens it be within 2 weeks.

I've brought him home to stay with me in my apt to nurse him back to health. He is very much talker and cries, growls, yowls constantly. Especially during feeding time, which is done by syringe with a high calorie diet of wet food. He is ambulatory with minimal assistance to catch his balance, and walks in circles frequently. I work in healthcare so I'm out of the house approx 8hrs a day and for the time being I have to leave him in his (large, padded) carrier house. I feed him the minute I get home and try to pet him, etc. But he cries loudly when I touch him. I don't know what to do to help him. I set up a play pen type area for him to ambulate; he just walks in circles and cries quite loudly.

I feel like a scared new parent to a handicapped child and I don't know what to do. I've been reading up on raising a deaf/blind animal but I still feel helpless. Any advice on how I can calm him so he doesn't cry his little heart out. Or any adjustments I can make to make him more comfy or happy.

Sorry its so long and thanks in advance!
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Re: raising a newly deaf and blind 8 m/o kitten

Post by critters »

:whale: It may, indeed, be temporary, but 2 weeks is NOT a magic cut-off. His vision and hearing may well come back, as Bendy's mom can attest. You ARE, in fact, a new parent to a disabled child!

Walking in circles isn't terribly unusual, especially early on. His excessive talking may be part of the hearing loss or the brain damage; my newest wonker, who was eaten by a big cat at about a week old, was all but mute until the last several months. My baby boy is about moderately brain damaged at this point but has developed seizures.
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