10 year old lab rear muscle atrophy

Orthopedic/Arthritis: Problems associated with joints, bone, and connective tissue, and CH (cerebellar hypoplasia), or brain damage.
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10 year old lab rear muscle atrophy

Post by mclayton »

My lab has lost muscle mass over one rear hind leg only. The vet could not find anything wrong on physical exam of neuro checks. Did not xray because I use a low cost vet clinic that does not have xray equipment & had just been taking him for wellness checks. This all seemed to start suddenly. Has been going on for a few months but now you can see his hip bone clearly on that one side. He does not act like he is in any pain ever. he is in good spirits & plays with the other dog. when he walks he puts less wait on that leg but other than looking weird it does not seem to bother him at all but it bothers me. The only medical problem he has is hypothyroid but he gets medicine twice a day and gets blood work regularly to check levels. The vet suggested starting glucosamine which I did but since he never seemed like anything is wrong I don't know if its doing anything. I can't afford a big work up just to be told there is nothing that can be done. Does anyone have any thoughts on this or suggestions about how I should proceed. He's getting old but still is playful and seems to have a lot of life left in him.
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Re: 10 year old lab rear muscle atrophy

Post by CarolC »

I really don't have any insight on why one leg seems to be losing muscle more than the other. The only suggestion I'd make is to try to be sure he has comfortable bedding. When they start to lose muscle mass over the hip and the hip bone sticks out, it makes it easier for them to get a pressure sore from lying on it.

I use glucosamine with my disabled dogs, too, since as you say, they distribute their weight differently. I hope it will help their joints, especially if they are somewhat overused.

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Re: 10 year old lab rear muscle atrophy

Post by critters »

:whale: I wonder if it's something neurological, like DM. Could you do hydrotherapy (swimming)? It should help build muscle without too much damage to his joints and stuff.
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Re: 10 year old lab rear muscle atrophy

Post by mclayton »

His bed is comfortable because he sleeps with me or lays on the couch but he sometimes prefers to lay on the hard floor. He also used to swim a lot when we had a pool but that's been two years. I thought at first maybe he had so much muscle when he was young that this was just normal aging until it became extreme. The cold seems to make it worse because when he goes outside this winter he really seems like he is struggling to hop up one step. Them he warms up and today he snuck into the basement which has a lot of stairs to go down. I went to get him and was worried he wouldn't be able to get back up and he hopped up all 14 stairs without a problem. He act like nothing is wrong but I feel like I'm watching this hind leg just wither away.

Thanks for your comments and thoughts.
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Re: 10 year old lab rear muscle atrophy

Post by Jcromp »

Has anyone addressed his stifles (knees). Dogs will cope with cruciate ruptures for a long time without showing problems than when the meniscus is damaged the never seem right. I would have someone evaluate him completely. Certainly arthritis is not uncommon and hip djd could be playing a role. My suggestion is to get a good exam by a vet or rehabilitator, many problems can be managed with if taken care of early. Good luck
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Re: 10 year old lab rear muscle atrophy

Post by critters »

:slant: Jcromp!
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Re: 10 year old lab rear muscle atrophy

Post by Rayemond »

Dogs are very good at hiding pain, but if he will not use the leg normally that is probably a sign that he is in pain. He may well have arthritis in his hip or knee. I'd ask your vet if you can try him on metacam for a couple of weeks - it's a painkiller and antiinflammatory. If he starts using the leg more normally, you will know the problem is probably pain due to arthritis.
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