Dog can't stand after being run over

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Dog can't stand after being run over

Post by mollywog »

Friday night my 60 lb Aussie mix got run over. The large truck was parked,facing up a hill. She ran up to smell the bumper just as they were starting to drive. She got tumbled under the truck while being dragged up the road. She was obviously seriously injured. She began to bruise on one side of her belly instantly. I calmed her and held her. My boyfriend pulled my large SUV next to us. Before we could lift her, she jumped into the backseat. She tried to adjust herself before we left when I was moving the towels. She stood up, but it was so pathetic. Her front right paw was useless and her back legs were so wobbly.

The emergency vet is 2 hours away. We rushed there. We were relieved to have the xray showed all organs intact and no broken bones. Her bruising was horrible and her paw messed up. We left her being cared for, on pain meds and anti-inflammatories.

The next morning though, she had not eaten(she ate right before getting run over). Her front right paw showed nerve damage signs. It was padded and splinted because the pads had been badly scrapped, but it was also curling under and she was trying to put weight on the top. She was not trying to stand on her back legs at all. She would get in a awkward sitting position. When I would lift her she would put no weight on her back legs at all.

We decided to take her for a ride to see if that would encourage her in a familiar environment. She is incredibly shy and skiddish. She refused to eat pizza crust! but did eat a pat of butter. She would not use her back legs to adjust. Her belly was so very swollen. We took her back and by then she looked horrible. They checked her with an ultrasound and her organs were still fine. WE left her there and went home.

I have a bedridden son recovering from a accident just a month ago that left him with a broken femur and two surgeries(one on July 6 and the other on the 16th). I live 2 hours away. So I have not seen her since Saturday early afternoon. It is Monday night.
Her front paw is still useless. She still won't put any weight on her back legs. They have tried on different surfaces. They took her off the NSAID and started her on prednisone last night. They offered me a referral to a specialist, but it is many hours away from where she is now, very expensive, and my son needs me too. I wish I could though....but reading on here yesterday really encouraged me. The vets said she could have nerve damage, but not a spinal break since she jumped into the car. She has never liked having her paws touched and pulls her feet away when they touch them.

She can control her bodily functions. She has not peed herself. They carry her to the lawn where she pees and has had one small poop.
She finally ate food on her own this morning!!!

We are aiming for Thursday for me to take her home. I told the vet I know she may not be able to stand yet, but I am not working right now and have two bigger males helping. I want her as stable as possible though! The vets have been very worried, even with her having sensation and slight movement.

Hope we are doing the right thing.
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Re: Dog can't stand after being run over

Post by CarolC »

I don't have a crystal ball but I kind of have a feeling this is going to turn out OK...? If she has bowel and bladder control and is eating, that is super encouraging. I would give her time and not expect too much of her right away. Since she got pretty generally banged up, she needs time for all the swelling and bruising to go down. I wonder if the front leg might take longer to mend, and I wonder if she might need a splint to keep her foot in the right position until she has time to heal some more. Here are some examples. ... -dogs-cats

Did the vet say anything about a brachial plexus injury? Those can take time. She's lucky though, bless her heart. :angel:
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Re: Dog can't stand after being run over

Post by critters »

:whale: I completely agree with Carol. I'm glad they switched to pred; that's what I'd want for your baby. Now it'll take time and good nursing care, just like with your son!
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Re: Dog can't stand after being run over

Post by mollywog »

Thank-you. I am going to get her today! She still can not stand but is trying. She schooches around!
I looked at the splints. If her paw is still very curled under I will get one.

I left our house yesterday for the first time. When I got home my other dog sniffed the car so much hoping her sister was in there. She then looked so disappointed. We miss her so.

Off for my son's PT(he should be able to start putting tiny amounts of weight down) and then get Molly. After all this I might become a nurse!.
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Re: Dog can't stand after being run over

Post by critters »

Yes, you'll be VERY experienced with lots of kinds of nursing! :D
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Re: Dog can't stand after being run over

Post by mollywog »

Molly came home on Thursday afternoon. She is eating, but being a snob about her regular dog food. She is drinking plenty. She has peed yesterday and this morning.

She has not pooped since wednesday though(It is Saturday now). She barely ate Thursday though. She ate an acceptable amount yesterday.

Her front paw is improved, but still flops around like a fish. She sometimes can get it flat, but other times not.

She can get around some. She looks like a severely drunk, zombie, rabbit though... :( She moves around her bed fine, to reposition or get water. When she tries to get up it is so weird and disheartening, you just want to look away. She only tries to get up when she needs to potty though. One back leg seems to be more limp than the other.
If her front paw was fine it would be easier.

If I get her to standing she can stand, just not move. She gets really excited though and wags her tail. Shows me that she has been worried and afraid. :cry:

Her mood is good though. SHe is so happy to be home with us!

My boyfriend stayed home with kids while my eldest son and I rushed her to the vet. He didn't get how messed up she was, just oh yea, I'm sure she is locked up and sore. NOw she is home, he seemed semi shocked. He can't saying how messed up she is. IT is so heartbreaking.....but she is alive, not paralyzed, and has shown improvement(crazy to think where she is is improvement).

My son's physical therapist told me she is a certified dog therapist.

I am giving her meds....prednisone, pain pill, and antibiotic. Plus pepcide half hour before the prednisone.

Do dogs take probiotics? What kind? Any other recommendations? Thank you!
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Re: Dog can't stand after being run over

Post by critters »

She sounds pretty good to be as early in recovery as she is!
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Re: Dog can't stand after being run over

Post by mollywog »

She is getting better every day. She never gets off her bed, except to go potty. Her "walk" has gone from severely drunk zombie rabbit to moderately drunk dog! :P Afterwards she is exhausted and just goes right back to her bed.

So happy! This is a dog they thought might be paralyzed!!! The vet(who is awesome) is even impressed! :P
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Re: Dog can't stand after being run over

Post by critters »

That's usually the way it goes! :D
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