I found a paralyzed cat, will he walk again?

Orthopedic/Arthritis: Problems associated with joints, bone, and connective tissue, and CH (cerebellar hypoplasia), or brain damage.
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I found a paralyzed cat, will he walk again?

Post by samuel »

Hi, so a few days ago i while i was driving home and it was raining realy hard i noticed a cat aside the route, i noticed it because it seem like it was drowning, but what was weird is that he was in a a little puddle... so picked him up and took him to the vet, and told him that if everything was fine i have no problem adopting him.

so the vet called the next day and told me that everything was fine and that i can come to pick him, so i came and when i saw him he couldn't move both his back legs and tail. the vet said that he did an xray but everything seems normal. i took him home.

yesterday i noticed that one of his legs always shakes a little, and all of the muscles in that leg are contracted. that makes me think that maybe he isn't paralyzed. maybe he has something else.

i would like to know if you have some professional advice....

thanks ahead!
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Re: I found a paralyzed cat, will he walk again?

Post by critters »

:whale: Hmm. I wonder if he has a bit of brain damage? Sometimes it can be hard to tell the difference from spinal cord injury without watching for a long time, and a lot of experience.

:thankyou: For taking him in!

Do you do Facebook? https://www.facebook.com/groups/CatsWithParalysis/ is a good group that would cover both spinal cord injury and brain damage.
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