[NEED ADVICE] What product should i buy for my dog?

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[NEED ADVICE] What product should i buy for my dog?

Post by dead_silence »

My dog's rear legs have been weak for two months and I've been trying anything to make it better such as feeding her calcium, Hip&Joint treatment, walking 1-2hrs a day but it doesnt seem helping much.
It even looks worse when I walk her outside. https://youtu.be/waVbYE-q-ks
https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-x ... e=565BEC76

I'm planning to buy a handicap product to help her to walk better but I'm confused which one is suitable for her.
I don't know if Walkin' Rear Splint, Walkin' Hock Splint or No-Knuckling Training Sock works best for my dog.

Can you guys help me to figure it out? Thank you!
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Re: [NEED ADVICE] What product should i buy for my dog?

Post by critters »

:whale: So it looks like she walks down on her hocks (heels) right? In that case, I'd suggest http://www.handicappedpets.com/walkin-rear-splint . If she has NO foot drop, you might be able to get away with only the hock splint, but, personally, I would just get the full splint right out of the gate so as to cover both and not have to worry about it again. I also happen to REALLY like these HP splints because they're nice quality, washable, etc. Personally, I'd have at least 1 spare as well, but that's probably just me. The foam is nonabsorbent, so there's not much to getting them dry. I just always have spares of everything, especially important stuff.

AH! I see there are 2 links there; I only saw the 1 pic. Lemme go watch the video and see if I change my "prescription." :D
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Re: [NEED ADVICE] What product should i buy for my dog?

Post by critters »

No, I don't think I'll change my mind. She MIGHT be able to use some of the smaller splints, but the one I know is the surest bet, in my opinion, plus it would have the best chance of being useful if her situation should change some. The splints also have a bit of rubbery stuff on the bottom for traction; I guess you know she'd probably have an easier time on a less slippery surface.
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Re: [NEED ADVICE] What product should i buy for my dog?

Post by dead_silence »

I'm sorry I forgot to set the video to public, can you check the video now to make sure that full rear splint is the best for her?
I have the same thought as you but what confuses me is her rear knees look like they're sticking together while she walks. She looks exaclty like a bunny when she runs.
Thank you for your help CRITTERS
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Re: [NEED ADVICE] What product should i buy for my dog?

Post by critters »

Actually, I could see it before. Bunny hopping isn't unusual for a spinal cord problem, and I think the slew-foot/knock-knee thing is part of it. It's possible that she might be able to do with the smaller splints, but, personally, I'd go with the big ones just in case. She might still be slew footed, but her feet and hocks will be in the right positions.
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