UTI and FLUTD Symptoms

For those seeking advice on caring for incontinent pets and animals with kidney-related problems.
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Re: UTI and FLUTD Symptoms

Post by CaliCatsMom »

Just to update on Calicat-

She has had a great summer in terms of cystitis but developed constipation. In May, she went tail down on me and I suspect she re-injured her spine. Back to the chiropractor we went, who said she was quite out of line again. That made both her bladder and fecal incontinence worse. The doctor talked me in to prednisone, thinking she was reluctant to poo due to pain. It worked for a few days and then backfired. Then she was in double trouble as she detoxed off that.

Finally, two months ago, the doctor put her on Cisapride for her constipation and she has since lined out wonderfully. It has even helped her with her bladder incontinence, as she tends to empty her bladder soon after pooing. As she is not at all paralyzed, just nerve damaged, I have never gotten the knack of expressing her bladder, but she does use her box most of the time.

It has been two years since she fell and injured her spine and she has been sick a lot of the time. It is so good to see her happy and frisky again.

I am pretty sure it was the brewers yeast in the GNC Hairball treats and vitamins I was giving her to prevent constipation, that gave her the cystitis, but we will know in a couple more months. The last two years the cystitis hit her in September/October the worst.

Right now I am so glad my little buddy is doing well.
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Re: UTI and FLUTD Symptoms

Post by CarolC »

That is such good news! :yay: You must be overjoyed after all you guys have gone through. I'm glad you didn't give up and maybe your experience will help someone else. Sure was good to read this. :angel:
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Re: UTI and FLUTD Symptoms

Post by critters »

Terrific, and :thankyou: for the update!
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Re: UTI and FLUTD Symptoms

Post by CaliCatsMom »

Another update on Calicat.

To give a little background, in July 2013, Calicat dislocated her back in a fall and became bladder and fecal incontinent. Then she developed progressively more severe inflammatory cystitis. I was giving her GNC Hairball treats to help her with her BM, but they contained brewers yeast, that human women report is a problem for inflammatory cystitis.

With the discontinuation of her GNC Hairball treats with brewers yeast, Calicat's inflammatory cystitis continued to improve. I also got her this test:
http://www.nutriscan.org/ And eliminated most of her food sensitivities. This was not entirely possible because she has some lower level sensitivity to beef, chicken and whitefish so food became too much of a problem. Mostly it was elimination of the brewers yeast and then the rice (based on the nutricsan) that I believe gave her the improvement. The improvements took place over 15 months. Her last episode was 9 months ago and was very mild.

Unfortunately, as her cystitis improved, her constipation became progressively worst. We put her on Cisapride and it worked at first but then did not. We put her on Propranolol and it did not help her constipation. Both medications did help her empty her bladder, but it was like her colon was dead. We were going weekly to the vet for enema and she could not pass even a turd.

I was just in despair for my poor girl.

I was about to put her back on the GNC Hairball treats.

But I kept good notes on all the things we tried for her and all the changes. The medications both had the side effect of giving her nausea and soft stools that her vet and I thought was part of her problem. I took supplements out of her diet to compensate. The main clue was the effect of the GNC treats. They contained psyllium (fiber) and brewers yeast but fiber did not help Calicat's constipation. So what is in brewers yeast that helped her? It does not have much value, except some amino acids and B Vitamins. And she had also been on Cat Mix Vitamins that are high on the B's. Her major declines took place months after the changes, but I took a hard look at the B's.

I estimated how much B she was getting. And then I found this great website http://www.zzcat.com/CRF/supplies/vitaminb.htm It is for CRF, but gave a great breakdown and I found something just right in the Twinlabs Super B Complex. She started 5 weeks ago and is now pooping like a champ. I have been reducing her medications and managing her diet with probiotics and prebiotics, but it does seem that her damaged nerves needed the B. I am optimistic my little buddy will be with me a while longer.

I am probably the only woman in the world who is grateful to get turds for Christmas.
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Re: UTI and FLUTD Symptoms

Post by CarolC »

Ha! I think a lot of people here will be able to relate to that! :lol: It is great that she is going again! Yay!!! It can be a problem when pets are going everywhere or going all the time, but that does not compare to pets not going at all. I am so glad she has things moving again. I am sure you are not the only one who is excited about this progress, because she probably feels this was the best Christmas present for her, too! :present:

She is lucky she had someone willing to take her to the vet every week and stick with her while things were being sorted out. :angel:

I have never heard of propranolol for constipation. I really like lactulose syrup for constipated pets, and in my experience it does not cause any increase of bladder infections, and it is safe for long term use if needed.

Happy for both of you!
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Re: UTI and FLUTD Symptoms

Post by critters »

CaliCatsMom wrote:
I am probably the only woman in the world who is grateful to get turds for Christmas.
:mrgreen: ROFL. That, and "Liquid Gold." :lol:

I agree with Carol about lactulose, and, being a liquid, I found it easy to dose as necessary. Mine also liked it because it tasted sweet.
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