Incontinence after stomach surgery

For those seeking advice on caring for incontinent pets and animals with kidney-related problems.
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Incontinence after stomach surgery

Post by Jiggerun »

My dog is 14 months old. He is a German Shepherd mix and is approx 70lbs. About 6 weeks ago he had stopped eating and was throwing up what he did eat. I took him to the vet and we learned he had eaten two rocks. One was already in the colon and did successfully pass. The other was stuck in the stomach. That day he had surgery where they opened up the stomach and took out the rock and cleared the stomach of a lot of bile that had been held up there. He stayed at the vet first two days recovering and then he layed low at home for 14 days taking two antibiotics and stuff to help the stomach acid. He then had his staples removed but since this surgery we noticed he licks down there and I realized it is because he is cleaning because he is leaking. Could something have went wrong in surgery that messed up his bladder? Thank you.
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Re: Incontinence after stomach surgery

Post by CarolC »

I'm not a vet (much less a surgeon), but the bladder and stomach are not very close together. The stomach is kind of under the ribs and the bladder is back closer to the tail. The muscles that prevent leaking are on the tail end of the bladder (not the stomach end), making them even farther from the surgery. The bladder was probably empty by the time they did surgery since he could not keep anything down, so it is hard to imagine any way it could be in the way. So it seems unlikely the surgery caused a problem with the bladder. I would think it is more likely he has a bladder infection, possibly due to waiting too long to urinate because he was at the vet and did not want to wet his kennel. If you "hold it" too long, you can get an infection. A urinary infection can cause dribbling. ... e-symptoms

If he was on 2 antibiotics for the surgery and he got a bladder infection anyway, then he may need a different antibiotic. I would go ahead and report this to the vet right away so they can get him started on medication. Urinary infections will usually clear up pretty quickly (couple of days) once you start the right medication.

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Re: Incontinence after stomach surgery

Post by Jiggerun »

Thank you!!
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